About Me

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Toronto, ON, Canada
I am a geek who doesn't look like one (so I'm told). I love talking about anything for far too long. I'm turning into my father... Which is great because I had a great Dad. I'm sure my kids won't think this while they are growing up, but with luck.. later on they will.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Sigh.. humble beginnings of mindless blather!


Officially as someone who doesn't spend a lot (read any) time writing, I suspect that this might be a pitiful exercise in blogging execution. In plain english: Let's see how long this lasts!

Now on to the show. I figure I'll just jump right in. Somewhat like those movies that seemingly start mid story. So don't bother trying to go back to find the beginning of the story, as it doesn't exist.


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